A to Z : | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Number |

 Categories : | Nyorai | Bosatsu | Myoo & Doji | Tenjin | Founders & High Priests | Others / Tibetan Mongolian |


A to Z


The Three Worlds of Buddha [Sankaibutsugan]
The 4 Bosatsu [Shi-Bosatsu]
The 4 Heavenly Kings [Shi Tennoo(Shi Tennou)]
The Four Pictures of the Sacred Mountains in China [Chugoku yonndai meisan butsuga]
The 5 Great Bosatsu [Godai Bosatsu]
The 5 Great Myoo[Godai-son Myoo]
The 5 Great Powerful Bosatsu [Godai-riki Bosatsu]
The 5 Great Powerful Myoo [Godai-rikiku Myoo]
The 5 Wisdom of Nyorai [Gochi Nyorai]
The 6 Jizou [Roku-jizo]
The Seven Fortune Gods [Shichi Fuku Jin]
The 8 Dragon Kings [Hachidai Ryuoo]
The 8 Founder of Shingon [Shingon hasso]
11 Faces Kannon Bosatsu [Juichimen Kannon Bosatsu]
The 12 Heavenly Generals [Juuni Shinsho]
The 12 Ten [Juuni Ten]
The 13 Buddha Image [Juusan Butsu]
The 16 Heavenly Dieties Protecting Hannya [Juuroku Zenshin]
16 Rakan [Juuroku Rakan]
The 33 Buddha Image in the Sacred Places
The 53 Descriptions of Kannon [Kannon Gojusanmen Zu]
The 88 Buddha Image in the Sacred Places